Lake Washington Sailing Club
West Sacramento, California
Three-day Midwinter series for Sunfishes (single-handed) and FJs (double-handed) plus El Toros and Hansa 303s on the fourth Saturday of February, March, and April. Same format as Thursday night racing - horn goes off at 1:00PM for the first of five races. This event is considered to be more of a training and clinic day and is encouraged for those interested in learning more about single-handed or double-handed racing. A Beginning Racing Clinic takes place before the first race - gather at noon at the clubhouse. So, head out to the lake early (11:30AM or so), grab and rig a boat, and learn how to buoy race! Possible Daily awards (mugs), series awards, and special "Iron Person" award. 2024 Midwinter Results Volunteer for Race Committee 2025 Midwinters Notice of Race Midwinter Race Committee Instructions Midwinter Series Sailing Instructions